Appalachian’s location in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina provides unique opportunities for research and scholarship. 充满激情和创造力的教师来到这里, and students learn in academically challenging settings under their close mentorship. 小型社区, access to diverse natural resources and significant weather patterns combine with a university culture that supports innovative, 跨学科的教育学, 使澳门赌场导航娱乐的位置不仅是惊人的美丽, 还能激发智力.
- May 13, 2024
- May 4, 2024
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- 2023年12月12日
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更多研究新闻: 今天澳门新濠娱乐开户
Professional Development Opportunities from the 研究与创新办公室
查看研究与创新办公室 事件日历
- 澳门新濠娱乐开户能源中心
- 澳门新濠娱乐开户研究中心
- 经济研究中心 & 政策分析
- 交通创业洞察中心
- 环境、能源与经济研究所 (RIEEE)
- Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina Institute for Health and Human Services (IHHS)
- 犹太人大屠杀与和平研究中心
- 地区大学研究联盟
与教授合作 有意义的研究或创造性的努力 gives Appalachian students the skills they need for career or graduate school success.
The Cratis D. 威廉姆斯研究生院具有竞争力 助教奖学金项目, which pays a stipend to graduate students who collaborate with faculty members on their research projects.
澳门新濠娱乐开户与北卡罗来纳研究校园合作, providing our students with extraordinary opportunities to engage in collaborative and multidisciplinary research in human health, 营养与农业.
- 澳门新濠娱乐开户大气跨学科研究 (AppalAIR)
- 澳门新濠娱乐开户能源中心
- 生物柴油合作项目
- 北卡罗来纳风能
- 环境、能源与经济研究所 (RIEEE)
- 太阳能研究与教学实验室
- 南澳门新濠娱乐开户环境研究和教育小组
- 州立农场太阳能研究设施系统
国际研究 & development
When individuals from countries and cultures across the globe can share knowledge and experience with one another, 所有国家都受益. Find out more about the research in which our faculty, 教职员及学生 are engaging in 为了所有人的福祉而跨越国界.
Are you a faculty member, staff member or student looking for resources for your research endeavors? 从这里开始找一些很棒的资源来帮助你.